Paid Up For Life Membership  - PUFL (Click Here for Form)

Each summer, when American Legion Posts receive their membership cards for the coming year, there will be an increasing number of Legionnaires whose dues are already paid for the coming year and for every year thereafter as long as they live. They are Legionnaires who've voluntarily chosen to become Paid-Up-For-Life members under the National plan.

Most Buy At Dues-Paying Time

The average Legionnaire is most apt to decide to become a Paid-Up-For-Life member at the time when dues are usually paid for the coming year. Post Commanders, Adjutants, and membership workers are asked to make sure their members know that with one payment they can take care of dues for all future years.

PUFL is Not A Discount Membership

The National Constitution & By-Laws of The American Legion is very clear that "there shall be no form or class of membership except an active membership, and dues shall be paid annually or for life." Everyone must pay their fair share to support the organization. The National Paid-Up-For-Life plan was established for convenience only, giving members an alternative to paying dues on an annual basis.

Post Receives Dues Portion Annually

That part of the total dues now being retained by the Post will be returned every year for all Paid-Up-For-Life members. Many Posts are purchasing Paid-Up-For-Life memberships for their long-time members, and in calculating the cost to remit, they may leave out their share of the dues...this will reduce the amount to submit with the application.

Must Be In Good Standing

The member must be in good standing to become a Paid-Up-For-Life be in good standing, the he/she must have a valid membership card for the current year. The Post Adjutant will certify that member's good standing before forwarding the application.

Application Process

The applications for Paid-Up-For-Life membership have to be completed and submitted to the Post Adjutant or Finance Officer for verification/certification. The member fills out the application and turns it over to the Post along with the appropriate payment, just the same as in paying annual dues. The Post will review and endorse the application, sends it on to the Department Headquarters, and from there to National for final processing.

The PUFL application form can be obtained from your Post, Department Headquarters or National Headquarters.  Fill it out and take in to your Post.

Membership Card

Each Paid-Up-For-Life member receives a permanent plastic card, as well as an annual paper membership card, directly from National, to verify continuing membership in The American Legion. The annual card will be mailed in June or July of each year. Upon request, a replacement card can be provided at no charge to the member.


The cost of a Paid-Up-For-Life membership is based on two factors - the member's age at the time of application and the current annual dues of the Post. The total dues of the Post include the Department and National per capita plus dues retained by the Post. (See Paid-Up-For-Life Membership Rate Chart on Back.)
Colorado, Kansas, and Nebraska do not participate in the National plan. They operate their own plan for their respective members. For more information about these other plans, the members and Posts can contact their Department Headquarters.

Time Payment Plan

Members of The American Legion may use the Time Payment Plan to purchase a National Paid-Up-For-Life membership.  No interest and no service charge will be added to the fee.

Time Payment Plan instructions/established rules for application:

1)       You must be a member in good standing.  This means the member must have a paid membership card for the current Legion year.

2)       The total Paid-Up-For-Life membership fee has to be paid within twelve (12) months from the date of application.

3)       No payment for six (6) consecutive months will cause your account to be closed.

4)       On the application, please check you wish to use the Time Payment Plan.

5)       When you submit the application to your Post for certification, and initial remittance must accompany the application.  The payment should be at least ten percent (10%) of the total fee.

6)       You will receive a monthly statement from National Headquarters.  The payment due each month should be at least ten percent (10%) of the total fee.

7)       Your permanent Paid-Up-For-Life membership card will only be issued after the total fee is paid in full.

For more information on the Paid-up-for-Life Membership Plan: See your Post Adjutant or Finance Officer



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